Who Is Ricky Thurman? — SI Letter Fraud Update

by Cleveland Frowns on April 20, 2009

Remember the unbelievable letter that Sports Illustrated printed about the kid who was pulled over for speeding by a so-called Officer Ricky Thurman, but was let go with a warning by Thurman because the kid was racing home to beat his dad to the mailbox to fish out the SI Swimsuit Issue? Remember that a thorough investigation yielded no evidence that this Officer Ricky Thurman actually existed?

I wrote to Sports Illustrated explaining my concern over the seemingly fraudulent item, and they told me that they were “looking into the matter.”

I received an update from SI over the weekend, and their response only raises more questions:


from: Time Inc <siletters@simail.com>
to: clevelandfrowns@gmail.com
date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:16 PM
subject: Ricky Thurman’s letter to the editor

Although someone purporting to be Mr. Thurman satisfactorily answered ourresearcher¹s questions prior to the letter¹s inclusion in our magazine,further research reveals the letter to be fraudulent. SI has maintained a level of trust with our readers from our first issue on August 16, 1954. We take this relationship very seriously, which is why every letter we receive is considered for publication. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It is clear that the Cleveland Frowns also have great respect for our letters section, a vital part of our magazine that remains very popular with our readers.


SI Letters Department


I wrote back to SI, asking about their researcher’s investigative efforts into the alleged letter’s authenticity. Did they bother trying a google search for Officer Ricky Thurman? The results of that effort, combined with the incredible nature of the story contained in the letter, might have given the researcher cause for concern. I also asked to see a copy of the letter.

Will keep you posted.

UPDATE: “SI Swimsuit Letter Mystery Solved: Officer Ricky Thurman Still at Large”

  • paula

    we were wondering when you'd catch on to those 4/10 comments frowns. i guess it's time to 'fess up. here goes:

    trisha bonnit & francis annonia = paula

    christopher bleam & howie wold = kev

    donald reifinger & jared cramer = takosvoyeur

    john updike and ron nabriel = d

    (who knew kev had a howie wolf in him?)

  • kylmra

    “It’s hard for us to believe that anyone would get a kick out of impersonating a police officer for the purpose of writing such a corny and unbelievable letter to you folks.”

    Why is that so hard to believe…you were a high school kid once…it would be funny to make this up and see if it gets published (still is)…is this really hard for you to believe?

    I think you need to back off…wouldn’t want SI dissin’ the Frowns image!

  • Bryan

    I disagree… Frowns, keep it up, you are doing the Lord’s work here, just like your beloved Wahoos were doing with all those homers in Yankeetown.

  • lenny k

    Check out deadspin frowner…link’d!

  • Anonymous

    Absolutely hilarious. Keep it up!!

  • smittypop2

    I agree with Kyle on this one. We already had this talk on Sat. night and I will reiterate that no one cares. Mountain out of a molehill x20.

  • Pawtucket Pat

    This is ridiculous. They gave you a fair response, you got some extra traffic for your shitty blog, everyone wins. You just look like an asshole by continuing to pursue it.

  • d

    Busted. Damn. It was the preggers thing, right paula?

    In all seriousness, keep up the good work Frownies. Personally, I couldn’t care less about the issue. I think the need for journalistic integrity and accuracy is overrated, especially in a news outlet that covers sports.

  • John

    “I think the need for journalistic integrity and accuracy is overrated”

    Yeah, people whose job it is to tell the truth should just be allowed to make stuff up.

    You fucking idiot.

  • Cleveland Frowns

    If some of you don’t mind being lied to, that’s your business, and carry on.

    We do mind, especially when the lies are contained in a magazine that we pay to subscribe to.

    And mraz, and others: We really don’t believe that anyone would take the time to write such a fake letter, because the fake letter itself isn’t funny. And if someone did do that, it should be easy enough for SI to at least show us a postmarked envelope from Ricky Thurman, or forward us an email. If they can’t, they’re liars as far as we’re concerned.

    The real issue here is how technology has leveled the playing field, and that SI is obviously struggling with that.

  • lenny k

    Get ’em frowner…SI shouldnt need to make stuff up to sell a few mags if you ask me, if they are doing this they need to be called out.

  • d

    “people whose job it is to tell the truth should just be allowed to make stuff up”

    John, I will refrain from attacking you personally, since that furthers no debate. But, I don’t think a journalist’s job is to “tell the truth”, assuming that is even possible. If, you buy news from a source because you think it is the “truth”, that is fine. If you find out that it isn’t the truth, then you purchase your news from somewhere else and keep on doing so until you find the “truth” you want. Fox News exists due to this phenonmenon.

    Personally, I don’t want “truth” from a journalist. I just want to see their perception of what it is they are reporting. I’ll decide what to believe and what not to believe on my own. Far, far, far too much is made of journalists only reporting the “truth.” The truth to anything in life is always complicated. Not to mention that for most journalists “truth” really means “balance”, i.e. “showing both sides of the story.” In many situations this leads to emphasis of extremism that is a “true” depiction of the world, but not an accurate one.

    Anyway, my comments aren’t really addressed to the current situation. If SI is making up letters to the editor, ala Penthouse, and people care, those people can stop purchasing SI. I don’t, because all SI is doing is giving me “news” about games people play. It is like depending on a gossip rag for an accurate account of a movie.

  • Anonymous

    With all the lies in the media, THIS is the one that causes you to dig your heels in and fight for the truth? Really? Where were you when we went to war with Iraq?

    Speaking of lies and fraud, are you really this upset about a letter? Or are you milking this thing in order to get a few more website hits. To put it another way – would you be pursuing this so passionately if you didn’t have a blog to post it on? A truthful answer is appreciated.

  • Cleveland Frowns

    Anon: This is a sports blog. SI’s lies are relevant here. Nobody else was covering this, so we decided to. Because we wanted to. Stop telling us what to do.

    Lies make us mad, especially when they’re in magazines that we buy. We’re not sure that we’d have pursued this with as much effort if we didn’t have a blog to record it on. Good thing that we do have a blog, then, huh? Just another example of how the internet makes the world a better place.

    And d: You say you don’t care about SI lying in its letters because “all SI is doing is giving me “news” about games people play.” But if they’d lie about a letter for money, what else would they lie about for money? How else does this impact their coverage? It’s called journalistic integrity. If SI doesn’t have it, I’d prefer to get my news from elsewhere. But it’s not as simple as “stop buying SI,” because they have so much access and so many other resources that so much of the “sports news” pie is SI right now. For now.

  • Pittsburgh is for Man Lovers

    It sounds like Pawtucket Pat has a case of the Mondays.

  • Anonymous

    Wow…let it go man, let it go. And yes, I see the issue here. Journalistic integrity, lies for more readers, yadda, yadda, yadda. Bottom line: Nobody is forcing you to read SI. If you don’t like it, unsubscribe.

  • Biff

    Frownie, I think you’ve officially become the Carl Monday of sports journalism.

  • Bryan

    Frownie, don’t let it go.

  • d

    My average consumption of sports (watching games, reading coverage, watching coverage, etc.) probably averages 3-4 hours a day. More during football season. That is actually kinda horrifying to me when I quantify it. I get zero (as far as I know, I suppose sources I go to could sometimes be relying on SI, but I rarely notice this) coverage from SI. So, I don’t care if SI lies in its letters’ section. Further, because it is the underlying sports and what happens between them that I care about, there is nothing SI (or any other sports’ journalism figure) could lie about that I care about. What, are they going to lie about who won the game, who was traded, when it happened, etc.? Only in that eventuality would I care and it is difficult to imagine me not quickly finding out otherwise that the Indians lost yesterday.

    Everything else sports journalist do is the equivilant of gossip rags. You might care what Mark Shapiro (as reported) said about why a trade wasn’t made, but I don’t, except for the gossip value. This is because it is inherently unverifiable. Even if accurately reported, all it is a reflection of what MS wanted that reporter to quote him as saying, not necessarily the actual reason for why the trade wasn’t made. This is no different than trusting US Weekly for “news” about Jolie’s latest baby issues. If the “fact” being reported is inherently unverifiable, then you are only relying on an illusion anyway. This primarily is what differs sports journalism from a more traditional journalism. And even there, the actual gap isn’t that large.

    I’m happy you are investigating this if it is something that will affect your sports consumption sources. It is exactly what you should do. But, for the reasons above, I don’t care if SI is lying and I do not think that makes me “a fucking idiot.”

  • Big Dood

    Frowns, I agree with you and the guidance councilors looking for the ‘perfect dozen’ in clerks. It’s important to have standards.

    Anyway, just dropping by with my old prop fishing pole to see if I catch one for pointing out back in the beginning that this is exactly the kind of bullshit SI would try to spin? that somebody snuck by with a fake article. keep up the good work. I really don’t get the haterism. i suppose some readers won’t be happy until you rename this blog:


    my old comment below…

    “Also, while I agree that the story is as bogus as a reily tweet – I mean there really is no way that shit happened – I guess one might have to suppose that IF IT HAPPENED, the cop might have written in but changed his name so that no supervisor could accuse him of failing to report a traffic stop or failing to ticket a lawbreaker or some shit. And I guess what I’m saying is that proof of absence (of thurman) is not really enough to pin SI to the wall as they could always claim the above.

  • Bryan

    d, I don’t think it makes you a “f*cking idiot,” either, and I think anyone saying shit like that is likely the idiot themselves.

    I like that we generally don’t like like that around here. I mean, Frowns called me a moron once, but he was being a f*cking idiot.

  • Cleveland Frowns

    Again, it’s not as simple as “stop reading/buying SI.” SI is an institution at this point, and there are things that we want to access that only SI, and similar institutions can bring to us. That’s why it’s important to keep them honest.

    “Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.”


  • Anonymous

    Hey, dumb shit, “moreso” isn’t a word. It’s “more so.” Two words.


  • Cleveland Frowns


  • lenny k

    Hey, dumb asshole, go back to your sixth period english class if you want to criticize people’s grammar on this blog. Cannot stand people who are fucking professors of the english language to people who comment on blogs. Leave the blog, please.

  • smittypop2

    I still think you are wasting your time. If it makes you happy…keep up the good work. I do agree that anyone could have made up the letter for fun. It could have been longer and edited or it could have been a letter with a changed name. I don’t think one person on the earth thought it was a true story and I would really like to know why you think this added to SI’s bottom line?? How the F did they profit off of a dumb letter? Do you remember when we used to make prank phone calls in HS and were put on the air plenty of times??? I remember being on HSC for 15-20 minutes one night and posing as the Mavs GM. Jason Kidd and Jamal Mashburn were both talking to me and didn’t know any better. I just think sometimes shit happens and it isn’t a big deal. I don’t think it has anything to do with reporting of any kind.

  • Trisha Bonnit

    Ok Paula…I just wanted to say that you are not me! Stop claiming that you’re commenting on this when it’s not you. God, Ricky Thurman was my love and no one will ever appreciate it. Maybe all of you should just let this go. I recently was in touch with Ricky and he is doing very well in his new precinct and station. He was relocated after alleged misconduct charges. But over all he is taking this whole situation in stride and would like to thank Cleveland Frowns for the publicity.

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